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Heli Oliveira



Always wrote. Even when he had no way of prose, he found a way. Devotee of the written word, doesn't like audios on whats app and phone calls. (serious case!)  

Born in Curitiba, where he graduated in Law and Business Administration. After 6 years in the United States, he returned to Brazil from Rio de Janeiro.  

He founded and co-founded 3 sons and a few companies. She was a copywriter, editor, salesperson and commercial manager in a start-up, She was a decorator and party producer. He became a florist. He gathered volunteers to distribute flowers around the city. Wrote for various websites as a guest columnist.  

Today she is Creative & Content Director at Serendipity Inc, - which floats between Rio and Curitiba. Creates, scripts and directs audiovisual marketing campaigns for films/series. also takes care of  marketing and events at Casa da Estação de Morretes.

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