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my Little Necessary Dictionary

A  book that talks about grown up stuff 

Once upon a time in 2020, Ellen had a dream where Democracy was a person. In the same week, Maya (almost 3 years old) asked Heli who was the Dictatorship. Ellen asked Heli to write a play, that never was written, It became a book.  

A book where the  Revolution. Discrimination, Equality, Censorship, Freedom, Democracy, Dictatorship, Empathy and Feminism are characters.  

It was necessary to give the face to these characters, that's when  Pilar  had the brilliant idea of inviting children to draw them. What's more, she incorporated the language of lambe-lambe into the children's illustrations - this urban art that lives and resists as a form of protest.


Bianca Andrade, Helena Carvalho de Oliveira, Isaac Hammar, Julia Ferreira, Laura Hahn, Maya Chiacos, Manuela Carvalho de Oliveira and Rosa Saviani belong to the crew that illustrated the book. 

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